Here’s a newsflash I’m sure won’t surprise you… nothing concocted in a laboratory can ever replace the value of what is found in nature!
Mother Nature is incredibly generous in the way she provides – offering a bounty of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients to nourish your body so you can enjoy a long healthy life.
One fruit in particular – the coconut – is so abundant in its healing properties it’s referred to as “the tree of life.” And before World War II, people living in island countries, like the Philippines, consumed a diet that consisted mainly of rice, root crops, vegetables and an abundance of the ultra-healing superfood, the coconut.
The coconut is a “functional food” rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber – the essential nutritional building blocks for perfect health.
Before World War II, the miracle-healing coconut had been used to help alleviate:
- Coughs
- Constipation
- Malnutrition
- Skin infections
- Toothaches
- Earaches
- Flus
- And more!
Reasons To Use Coconut Oil Daily In Your Everyday Life!
In The Coconut Oil Secret: Nature’s #1 Best Healing Superfood, you’ll find out about:
- The unique quality that helps coconut oil readily fight viruses, bacteria and even yeast!
- The special reason The Health and Science Institute proves coconut oil can promote colon health!
- A complete list of parasites, infections, and viruses that coconut oil has been shown to be effective against!
- The recommended dosage of coconut oil to consume, based on weight, for health purposes!
- And so much more!
Hit a brick wall with weight loss? Not anymore, because…
Researchers have discovered that in cultures where unrefined coconut oil is a part of the everyday diet, there is less obesity and less lifestyle-related disease.
Unfortunately, very little coconut oil is consumed in the U.S. and metabolic syndrome—along with its symptoms of obesity, diabetes and heart disease—is reaching epidemic proportions!
The secret ingredient in coconut oil that burns fat quickly to fuel the body!
Why coconut oil makes you feel fuller longer and reduces food cravings!
The islanders who ate a diet of 50% fat but were slim and trim—and healthy!
The so-called “heart friendly oils” you should avoid that increase your risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
How consuming one ounce of coconut oil a day helped a group of women decrease BMI (body mass index) and waist circumference!
And so much more
Coconut Oil Boosts Your Thyroid!
Over 13 million Americans suffer from low thyroid function with little understanding of the cause. It’s really no wonder because most processed foods contain iodine blockers—and iodine is essential for optimum thyroid function! If you’re cooking with vegetable oil—it’s time to stop for your thyroid’s sake!
Plus, without a healthy thyroid, weight loss is nearly impossible—especially for women.
Find out if your thyroid is malfunctioning and how coconut oil can get it up to speed in The Coconut Oil Secret: Nature’s #1 Best Healing Superfood. Discover:
The numerous symptoms that may indicate your thyroid is deficient—Including fatigue, weight gain, depression, constipation, loss of sex drive and more!
The two foods that are the worst iodine blockers that could be wreaking havoc for your thyroid health!
Why refined oils are especially damaging to your thyroid and contribute greatly to weight gain and fatigue!
How virgin coconut oil can completely turn around your thyroid health and increase your energy!
And so much more!